Usual or Not?

I’ve written a few times on this trip about expecting the unexpected and the various things that have surprised me during these past six weeks. Today, I thought I’d share with you things that I found surprising this past week, but that may just be quite ordinary everyday things here.

  1. Bathing your dog on a chair and she stays when you walk away.
  2. After bathing the said dog on a rather hot day, she shivers uncontrollably, hence the towel as a blanket.

3. Carrying items such as ironing boards in the local transport. After all, most people don’t have cars.

4. Weekday Masses having all the bells and smells. Women are only allowed to read, no Eucharistic Ministers, unless you are religious. (For those who know me well, know that this upsets me greatly)

5. Personal viewing towers on your property when you can overlook your worksite, Cebu City and beautiful sunsets.

6. Karaoke nights with Priests and Sisters

7. Listening to a radio program being recorded whilst completing an inventory of resources. The two hosts forgot that they actually said goodbye to me on their last pre-recorded session and almost included me in their conversations.

8. Dancing wearing my gift made by the Badjao women.

9. Catching-up with Bert, the owner of a fabric and haberdashery shop I met a few years ago when he came with us to visit the Badjao community.

So now, from Surigao, it’s time to say goodbye.

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